Greetings Good Health Heroes,

Let’s invent dinner using what you have! Today we’ll look at a mystery tool and use the Puzzle Pantry Game create a meal.
First, today’s mystery tool is:

The mystery tool is a grater. Today, let’s invent dinner together and use the grater to shred some cheese!
TL from Colorado wrote to say that he wanted to play the Pantry Puzzle Game us. He has 2 eggs, 2 mushrooms, some dry spaghetti, half a bag of frozen peas, a piece of bacon and a tiny piece of Parmesan cheese. He wants to know if there anything he can make with those ingredients. I say, let’s invent dinner!
Pasta Carbonara’s-carbonara/ is a dish you can sometimes order at Italian restaurants. If you speak Italian, the word carbonaro means charcoal burner. Carbonai is the word for coalmen, or the men who make charcoal by hand. Some people think that pasta carbonara might have been created for the carbonai because the pasta has little flecks of black pepper that look like the ashes created by burning charcoal. Today, there are still carbonai in Italy who make charcoal in this traditional way.
With the ingredients that he has, I think TL can invent dinner and make something I like to call, Carlton’s Carbonara’s-carbonara/ for dinner, and crunchy cookies called Carlton Kisses for dessert.
So let’s wash our hands, go to’s-carbonara/ and invent a delicious dinner! Remember to send me ingredient ideas for the Pantry Puzzle Game
Tell me your ingredient ideas and we’ll invent dinner using what you have!
