½ teaspoon of almond extract (you can also use vanilla, or omit if you do not have extract)
1 drop of food coloring if you would like to color your kisses
Mixing bowl
A hand mixer and beaters
Measuring spoons
Cookie sheet
First, preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Grease a cookie sheet and set aside.
Next, beat the egg whites and cream of tartar on medium high until the egg whites are fluffy and look like mountains with peaks.
Slowly add the sugar, and continue beating.
Add the almond extract and food coloring if desired, and beat again until mixed.
Finally, using a teaspoon, scoop a spoonful of egg meringue onto the cookie sheet. Continue until you have scooped all of the batter and the cookie sheet is filled.
Put the cookie sheet in the oven. TURN THE OVEN OFF AND GO TO BED!
Can you tell which ingredient is missing? Answer at the bottom of this page.
Good cooks know the word: Boil
occurs during cooking when large bubbles rise from the bottom of the pan to the
surface of the water or mixture in the pan. When the bubbles pop it allows
steam to escape.
4 cups whole grain square cereal
made from rice
4 cups whole grain square cereal made
from wheat
1 cup peanuts
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 tablespoons corn syrup
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon vanilla
Cake sprinkles
1 large roasting or casserole pan
greased, sprayed with non-stick spray, or lined with foil
Dry measuring cups
Measuring spoons
1 saucepan
Mixing Spoon
Heat oven to 375°F.
Spray large roasting pan or casserole with non-stick cooking spray.
Combine cereal and peanuts in the
roasting pan and set aside.
I see how the recipe got its name. The wheat and rice squares do look a little bit like real dog chow.
Mix the butter, brown sugar, corn
syrup, salt and baking soda in the saucepan.
Cook over medium heat. Have your
adult stir the pan until the ingredients begin to boil and then remove the pan
from the heat.
When the mixture boils, quickly remove it from the heat.
Stir the vanilla into the mixture
in the saucepan, and then pour over the cereal and nuts in the roasting pan.
Stir to coat.
Bake for 10 minutes, stirring halfway way through. (So how many minutes does the mixture need to cook for before you stir? 5 minutes.) For very crispy Puppy Chow for Children, let the mixture cook for an additional 5 minutes, watching to make sure it does not get too brown.
Allow your Puppy Chow for Children to cool slightly before adding sprinkles. If you sprinkle too soon, they will melt!
Remove the pan from the oven, and
let the mixture cool slightly before shaking the sprinkles over it. Give one
final stir.
Good cooks know: Mise En Place. It may sound fancy, butthe phrase mise en place is really just a French cooking term that means “setting in place.” When you say it out loud, it sounds like you are saying Meeze-on-Plahs. When I think of mise en place, I like to say “things in place.” Say that 3 times fast. Things in place. Things in place. Things in place.
When making some recipes you must have mise en place, otherwise you might burn your food and ruin the recipe. Snow Candy is that kind of recipe.
Safety Note: This recipe creates a boiling liquid and requires that a grownup do all of the work at the stove-top in addition to pouring the candy onto the snow. And remember, good cooks always read the entire recipe before they begin to cook.
cup of butter
cup of sugar
tablespoons of corn syrup
tablespoon of water
measuring cups
wooden spoon for stirring
stockpot or large (6 quart) saucepan
9×13 cake pan filled with CLEAN snow
thermometer if desired
liquid measuring cup filled with completely with ice, topped off with water,
and set aside.
First, measure all of your ingredients and have them ready to use, mise en place, before you start to cook.
Fill the liquid measuring cup with ice, and then add water to fill the spaces between the ice cubes. Set the ice-filled cup aside. This water will not be used in the recipe. It will be used to test the candy after it cooks
Next, HAVE YOUR ADULT place the butter, sugar, syrup and 1 tablespoon of water in the sauce pan and cook on medium, stirring constantly to prevent scorching. This recipe burns very easily. Your adult must stay with the pan at the stove until the candy is done.
Place the sugar, water, butter and corn syrup in a stock pot. The mixture will turn a golden color, thicken, and follow the spoon around the pan.
4. When the candy mixture in the pan is a golden color, thickens slightly, and begins to follow the spoon around the pan, HAVE YOUR ADULT test it in the glass of ice water by dropping a teaspoon of the mixture onto the ice-filled cup. (Remember to keep stirring the contents of the pan.) Give the candy in the cup twenty-five seconds to cool (count to 25!) and taste the sample from the icy water. The mixture should be crunchy and not stick to your teeth. Candy-makers call this the hard-crack stage. If your adult uses a candy thermometer, it will read between 300 and 310 degrees. Remove the candy immediately from the stove. It will burn quickly at this stage.
Test the candy using ice and water.
5. Finally, remember to step away as your adult gently pours the candy onto the snow-filled cake pan. Spread the candy in a thin layer over the snow. Let the candy sit on the snow for 8-10 minutes or until cool to the touch.
Have your adult pour the candy onto the snow.
6. Remove the candy from the snow and pat it dry with a paper towel. Break the candy into small pieces to eat.
When you mix butter and sugar together you are creaming them. The sugar helps push air into the butter, filling it with tiny air bubbles. Those bubbles will later make the sugar and butter in the dough melt more slowly in the oven, and as the bubbles fill with steam, they make the dough rise. You can cream butter and sugar by hand with a fork, with a hand-mixer, or a stand mixer.
Let’s get started.
Can you spot the mistake in the photo? See the answer below.
2 cups flour plus 2 Tablespoons more
1 teaspoon cloves
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 teaspoon ginger
½ teaspoon nutmeg
1 ½ teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup sugar
¾ cup of butter
¼ cup of molasses
1 egg
1 teaspoon of vanilla
1 large mixing bowl
1 medium mixing bowl
1 small bowl with 3 tablespoons of sugar, set aside
1 fork
Measuring spoons
Dry measuring cups
Wash your paws.
Read your recipe.
Gather your ingredients and tools.
Sing a little song and start to cook!
Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
In the medium mixing bowl, combine the flour, spices, baking soda and salt. These are your dry ingredients.
In the large mixing bowl, cream the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy. Add the molasses, egg and vanilla. These are your wet ingredients.
Gradually mix the dry flour mixture into the wet butter mixture to create the dough.
Roll the dough into tablespoon-sized balls, and then roll those balls into the 3 tablespoons of sugar set aside in the small bowl.
Place on a lightly greased cookie sheet and bake at 375 for 10 minutes. makes about 3 dozen cookies.Photo Answer– Two nutmegs and no cloves!