Today is officially the first day of summer! I know many of you have lots of fun plans during this break from school. How much time will you spend outside this summer?
Did you know the bodies of both dogs like me and humans like you are made up of 60 % water? This summer remember to drink water to stay hydrated. When used as a verb, hydrate means to supply something with plenty of fluid. Hydrate your body by supplying it with plenty of water. I have a recipe for infused water that is delicious!

Water helps our bodies.
Water helps make saliva so that we can eat and digest food.
Water in our bloodstream transports the carbohydrates and proteins from foods we’ve eaten so that our bodies can use them as energy.
Water helps our joints move easily so that we can run and play.
Water delivers oxygen to our bodies as well.
Water keeps us cool by allowing us to sweat.
Water helps our bodies get rid of waste.
Your brain is made up of 73% water? If you get a headache after playing outside you may be dehydrated, which is the opposite of hydrated. Drink some water and you may start feeling better.
Our bodies get water not only by drinking, but also with some of the foods we eat. Can you think of an example of a fruit or vegetable that is filled with water? (If you said watermelon, I agree!)
So this summer don’t let your brains or bodies dry out! Drink water to stay hydrated. And if you want to see my favorite recipe for water, click here for my Fruit and Vegetable Infused Water recipes.