Stay Home to Stop Coronavirus-19!

Carlton Cooks, the Rescue Dog with a Recipe, is staying home to stop Coronavirus-19
I am staying home to stop the spread of Coronavirus-19!

Hello My Friends,

I know that it came as a surprise to have school cancelled just before Spring Break. 

And I know that many of you don’t like changes when they come as a surprise. I don’t like surprise changes either. I like to plan for my changes. I think many grown-ups don’t like surprise changes. And if some of them seem upset right now, it is because they are just like us and were stressed by the surprise change in their plans.

This is what we know:

We need to stay home to stop Coronavirus-19! Coronavirus-19 is a germ like many other germs. Coronavirus-19 loves to hide in the same places that other germs hide, like on our hands. Coronovirus-19 is a bit stronger than other germs and really likes to make older people like Grandfathers and Grandmothers, our Abuelas y Abuelos, sick. Some of us could have the germ on our hands and never even know it because the germ might never make us sick. But even though we might not get sick, we don’t want to pass the germs to others, especially the older people in our life.  We want to stop the spread of germs and make Coronavirus-19 go away fast!

So this is what we do.

First, just imagine if every single one of us at our school got sick at the same time on the same day. Imagine that we all felt sick enough that we needed to go to the nurse. The line to the nurse’s office would wrap around the school and there would not be enough space for all of us to fit in the room. And our nurse would not have enough time to see all of us.

But if we all stayed home, we would keep our germs to ourselves until they disappeared. And if some of us did get sick, we could go to the nurse as we needed to, and there would be plenty of room in the office. Soon the germ would disappear because we kept it away from so many people.

And that is why school was cancelled and we are staying home. Our job is to stay at home, wash our hands often, and keep Coronavirus-19 from spreading until we make this germ go away! Together, we will be Good Health Heroes!

Fortunately, for us, we are Good Cooks! So we already know how to wash our hands. Click here if you want to remember the last time we talked about washing hands.

So, stay home to stop Coronavirus-19! And if you want to email me, remember, I will always write back.  I will be looking for activities that we can do together as we stay in our own homes, so come back often!

Stay Healthy, and remember, I think you are Paw-some!



2 Replies to “Stay Home to Stop Coronavirus-19!”

  1. Thank you Carlton, for easing fears and and sharing in a way better understood by little ones!

    1. Dear Grammie of 4,
      Thank you for your comment, and for joining me at Carlton Cooks. Staying home and washing our hands are two of the most powerful things we can do to put a stop to Coronavirus-19. And I want my readers to know just how powerful they can be by helping in this way. Please tell your Grandchildren that I think they are Good Health Heroes!

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