In today’s Recipes from Around the World, we’ll travel to New Mexico and make Watermelon Agua Fresca for kids.
Good cooks know the word: Garnish. To decorate something, usually food. In this easy to make Watermelon Agua Fresca for Kids, we will use mint as our garnish.
½ cup of cold water
6 cups of cubed watermelon
1 lime
1 Tablespoon of Honey (sugar can also be used)
I can of club soda or other sparkling water
Optional Ingredient: Mint Sprigs
Measuring spoons
Liquid and dry measuring cups
One blender
One citrus juicer
Mixing spoon
1. Have your adult cut the watermelon into 1- inch slices and remove the rind.
2. Cut the watermelon slices into 2- inch cubes or chunks.
3.Have your adult cut the lime in half.
4.Juice half of the lime and set the juice aside.
5.Have your adult cut the remaining lime into slices.
Add the ½ cup of water, lime juice, honey and watermelon chunks to the blender and blend until smooth.
Add ice to each glass.
Pour the watermelon agua fresca into the glass until it is ¾ full. Add sparkling water to fill the glass.
Garnish with a lime slice and mint sprig.
Makes 6 servings.
PS- Today we are using use mint as an optional ingredient. This means that if you have mint you can add it to the recipe, and if you don’t have mint you can leave it out of the recipe without ruining the drink.
Mint is fun and easy to grow in your garden. Make sure you plant your mint in a pot because it is a very bossy plant and will take over your entire yard if you are not careful!