Greetings Good Health Heroes,

The last time I wrote, I promised you a mystery. I’ve also been thinking about a game we can play so that while we are home we can practice our cooking skills and have lots of fun. I want to make delicious dishes with home ingredients.
So let’s play my Pantry Puzzle Game.
First, I will give you a mystery to solve. I’ll post a photo of an important kitchen tool, and you tell me what that kitchen tool is. And then, we’ll use that mysterious cooking tool as we cook together.
Next, we will create recipes from the foods we find in our home.
Can I tell you a secret? Sometimes, even when I don’t have to stay home, I like to play the Pantry Puzzle Game. I look at the ingredients that I have in my house and use them to create a recipe. Right now it is better to say home and use what we have rather than go to the grocery store every time we think of something new to cook.
This is today’s mystery tool.

The mystery photo is of a sanitizing wet wipe. We use them to wipe and sanitize our counters before cooking. Remember. Never flush wipes down the toilet. They will clog and block our sewer pipes, and that would make me sad.

If you’d like to play the Pantry Puzzle Game just email me with ingredient ideas to use in our next recipe. If you send me three or more ingredients that you have in your home, I’ll tell you what you can make with them.
Today’s Pantry Puzzle Game recipe comes from a friend who lives in Chicago, Illinois. He wanted muffins. He had a cake mix, but he had no eggs, oil, or milk. But he did have a can of pumpkin. It turns out that you can mix one can of pumpkin with one box of cake mix and NOTHING ELSE to make delicious cakes or muffins! Click here learn how to make Pantry Puzzle Muffins.
So let’s be Good Health Heroes. Email your ingredient ideas to me. Wash your hands, and let’s cook!
