February 7th is Fettuccine Alfredo day!
Fettuccine Alfredo is a dish of fettuccine noodles covered in a cheesy white sauce. Do you know who invented the dish?
One hundred and eleven years ago a man named Alfredo Di Lelio worked in a small restaurant in Italy. His wife had just had their first baby and Alfredo wanted to make her a tasty meal. He made her a dish of noodles with butter and fresh cheese and she loved it.
Soon after that, Alfredo opened his own restaurant. Can you guess what he named the new restaurant? Alfredo!
People came from all over the world to eat Alfredo’s noodles. They were so delicious that some very famous movie stars gave him a fork and spoon made of solid gold engraved with the words, “To Alfredo the King of the noodles.”
Many years later, Alfredo sold his restaurant. Later, he opened a new one with his son. The name of the restaurant is Il Vero Alfredo. In Italian this means, the true Alfredo. If you go to Rome, Italy you can still eat Fettuccine Alfredo at Il Vero Alfredo restaurant today!
I like to make my Fettuccine Alfredo with just a little bit of added milk or cream. Come cook with me! Let’s celebrate Fettuccine Alfredo day by making some Fettuccine Alfredo at home!